Thomas Pavitte
1,001 Dot-to-Dot Amazing Animals (Paperback)
$12.99 $1.30 You Save 90%!
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Thomas Pavitte
1,001 Dot-to-Dot Amazing Animals (Paperback)
$12.99 $1.30 You Save 90%!
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Twenty intricate dot-to-dot animal puzzles that are as absorbing as they are amazing!

Best-selling puzzle designer Thomas Pavitte returns with 20 new artworks featuring 1,001 dots, perfect for a quiet evening at home or a relaxing distraction when you're on the go. As you connect the dots to create intricate images of a bald eagle, tiger, llama, moose, and other animals, you'll add layers of depth and dimension to the paper. In the end, you'll have a stunning image that can be colored in and framed for everyone to admire. The smaller format of this edition makes the book more portable while retaining all of the enjoyment that comes from completing the puzzles.

  • ISBN-13: 9781645177661
  • Pages: 48
  • Publication date: 09/28/2021
  • Product dimensions: 8.75"W x 11"H

Vendor Style: 9781645177661

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