Lamar Underwood
250 Amazing Fishing Tips: The Best Tactics and Techniques to Catch Any and All Game Fish (Paperback)
Lamar Underwood
250 Amazing Fishing Tips: The Best Tactics and Techniques to Catch Any and All Game Fish (Paperback)
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With decades of experience on the water, Lamar Underwood knows the best gear, the best times to head out, the best lures to select for certain fish, and the best casts to use for every angling situation. Now, he wants you to know the tips that he's picked up from his long experience. 250 Amazing Fishing Tips focuses on the most popular freshwater gamefish - trout, bass, crappie, bluegill, walleye, catfish, salmon, and pike - and saltwater favorites, such as striped bass, bluefish, flounder, redfish, weakfish, and sea trout. With 250 Amazing Fishing Tips, you can acquire that knowledge as well. With these specially selected bites of angling know-how, you can catch more fish, bigger fish, and have more fun!

  • Lamar Underwood
  • ISBN-13: 9781632203021
  • Publication date: 4/14/2015
  • Pages: 176

Vendor Style: 9781632203021

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