Sharon Eliza Nichols
More Badder Grammar! (Paperback)
Sharon Eliza Nichols
More Badder Grammar! (Paperback)
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MORE missspellings! MORE badder grammar! MORE than 150 photos of laugh-out-loud funny signs from the creators of the smash-hit book (and Facebook group) I Judge You When You Use Poor Grammar. After the success of her first hilarious collection of poorly worded signs - and with 430,000 members on her Facebook page - Sharon Eliza Nichols returns with an all-new assortment of the most ungrammatical, outrageous, and ridiculous mistakes ever put into print. Featuring actual photos of actual signs in actual locations, these billboard blunders are sure to delight grammar groupies, punctuation sticklers, and pretty much anyone who can read. Whether you groan in frustration, shake your head in disbelief, or howl with laughter, this wonderful humor book will convince you that it's just a sign of the times.

Vendor Style: 9781250001177

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